Monday, 12 September 2022

Warwickshire Avon - Mohawks and Mogigraphia

"Do sticklebacks look like minnows with Mohawks ?"

"If you put an acorn in your pocket with some mud would a tree grow in it ?"

"How would you go about catching a basking shark ?"

"Is cannabis illegal ?"

I love my sessions with Sam because he like any 11 year old has random questions that do make me chuckle, this a selection from this sort morning session. 

Now the tide is turning where the predators will be up for a feed, and what a stunning misty setting that us as anglers are lucky to see whilst the masses are still curled up in their duvets.

A whip rod for some bites and a predator rod to try and catch something bigger the session had its ups and downs. The baitfish were in numbers so catching fish on the whip was easy enough. Bleak mainly but with roach, minnows and small dace in-between.

With the predator rod out it didn't take long for the first bite when a pike nailed the bleak in a split second and moved the float a metre and a half in the process. Sam wanted in on this and after tightening up to the circle hook he had a hard fighting pike on the end.

He did really well playing the fish and after a couple of runs where it was taking line after a spirited battle it was in the net. A nice fish too in-fact Sam's biggest pike I think of around 7-8lb. He was well chuffed and wanted me to take a picture of its big mouth so he could WhatsApp his friends.

He still doesn't want to get near big pike but with teeth like this, can you blame him. Anyway with an hour left of the session it was a disappointing ending as two decent perch were lost on a bleak bait and the last one from the weir swim was a couple of pound all day long.

Its headshaking after it breached the surface dislodging the bait and returning to where it came from. The predators really seem to be on it at the minute and there is nothing like a predator float bobbing and going right under as it could be a 6 ounce perch or a 16lb pike. 

On to the next one !!!


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