Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Warwickshire Avon - Deserters and Dipsomania

I love this time of year especially when the rivers are up because those stretches that have regular matches are very quiet indeed. One stretch has 300 members apparently, and yet I'm the only one trudging through the mud clearing ones head from the rum fog the evening before. 

Now I had intended to fish another stretch of the Avon but the river was unfishable, I thought it might have been ok at first as a quick glance from the car showed the water was still within its bank, but when I got bankside it was 'just in'

The problem was I know the stretch intimately and there is only two swims you can fish when the river is bombing through, but both were underwater, so completely out of bounds.

So back in the car to another local stretch my short session was already shortened. There are a few slacks that can be fished though so, so twenty minutes or so in each swim and move on.

I'm after a 6lb Warwickshire Avon chub and here there are some crackers to be caught. They are not stupid though and despite seeing them, I've never actually caught one.

With the river like it is though, I was hoping to sort the men from the boys and try and tempt a big'un. I've found it hot and miss for Chub when the river is well up and coloured but drop a bait on a Chevins head it will generally take it.

A smelly bait is required and my homemade cheesepaste is ridiculous really. The stench is so strong even a tiny bit on your fingers or clothes hangs around for ages even after a throughout wash. Some proper chemicals are required when the session is finished to remove it completely.

I'm not sure how this batch is some much stronger than the rest, but it is. I should have written the recipe down as it's by far the best I've concocted.  

Four swims fished, one of those you didn't even need a weight to hold bottom but not even a rattle or a nibble. One of those swims I'd prebaited with a couple of freebies and left for 40 mins too. 

As I left the snow started coming down and let's be realistic here, anything caught would be a bonus in these conditions as the water levels have been all over the shop and the temperatures too.

It's starting to drop nicely though so should be perfect heading in to the New Year. Still I'm in two minds what to fish for so might have to hedge my bets.

Whilst I wonder where to go what to do the next session will be at the Alne because that has dropped like a stone after being in the fields and in the road. I've not fished an actual bait here for ages because I've enjoyed using small crankbaits. 


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