Sunday, 11 October 2020

Warwickshire Avon - Marauders and Metapsychology

The gudgeon swim in fine fettle, at least 40 fish caught in an hour and a half all succumbing to the red maggot. Nothing huge to be fair but the tip bouncing around like a good'un is more than enough to keep  young angler Sam entertained. 

We kept a few in the margins to weigh the biggest but we knew none of them were PB beaters in the end so sadly the scales stayed in the bag.

The morning started as a cold one but with the wind a mere light breeze and when the sun came out it was very pleasant indeed. 

Again a stretch of river to ourselves, where is everybody ? The conditions are great at the minute, everything seems to be biting.

The swim must have full of them because apart from the odd minnow the only other species caught was a small dace.

That was about to change though, all of a sudden the bites sort of slowed up, in-fact we did think about moving because of the change in form but then as I was putting the lid back on the maggots the tip violently jumped in to life.

As Sam was reeling in another gudgeon from more or less beneath our feet a pike comes out of nowhere and grabs it.

Sam called out No No Nooooooo !!!!!! but sadly to no avail....

The gudgeon clearly seen hanging out of the Pikes jaws. Now I was fully expecting a bite off with a size 16 hook and 3lb hooklength but no, Sam was playing the fish for a good while and we had a chance of landing it.

He has taken to a centrepin really well and handled the battle very well indeed and I did the honours for him. Sam choice not mine once the hook was removed we gave the "gudgeon in that swim some peace" and relocated the Pike to another swim. 

A short post but another enjoyable morning !!!! 


  1. Lovely. My Little ones want a pike, my easy to fish pond has been mysteriously serves a no pike fishing till next season notice so I'll need to find another option for them. 20 minutes max they last if they are not catching so thinking cap on.

  2. The Avon seems full of them at the minute, as you see they lose concentration pretty easily the young'uns. Sam getting much better though, I cannot really use a rod myself when the bites are frequent though, not that I mind when he's catching gudgeon.


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