Tuesday, 28 May 2019

The Closed Season Zander Quest Pt.134 - Cork-Brains and Cobble Colters

My PB Barbel of 12lb's 14oz's caught from the Warwickshire Avon came to a rather large lump of garlic spam. Now discontinued sadly, it's one of those baits I've utter confidence in especially come dusk where I want one bite and that bite I want from a Barbel, not a gluttonous Chub. 

However long term reader and sufferer of my blog John Werrett who treads the same towpath as me and shares his ups and downs with his sessions, saw the predicament I was in trying to replenish my depleted stocks and kindly donated a few tins to my cause.
I roped Sam in on the treasure hunt because John, left me a series of clues to get my hands on this meat of contraband status. It's as rare as a double figure Zander on the canals I fish, or rocking horse poo in other circles.

After scratching our heads and having difficulty finding it, Sam pointed to the errors of our ways and he managed to unravel the clues and retrieve the prize all by himself.

Sadly that was the highlight of the trip and despite knowing that there are carp and zander here, the only bite we had, which ensued when the static bait was dragged out of position, a seemingly hooked fished turned in to one that dropped off shortly in to the fight.

The boat traffic an ever increasing nightmare because being holiday makers there was no regulation of the throttle, it was either off or full steam ahead. The silt and debris churned up from the bottom leaving no visibility whatsoever. So 2 hours in to the session, we called it a day, but hey, I came away with 3 large tins of garlic spam, and Sam learnt something today, not that canal fishing can be tough, but " I didn't know moorhens had legs"

Cheers John appreciated !!!!

1 comment:

  1. You're welcome Mick, looking forward to a big barbel photo.


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