Friday, 24 May 2019

The Closed Season Zander Quest Pt.131 - Drudgery and Draggletails

Another one of my pates spinning, a meeting with an ex boss about some interior work for a sports car company, encouraging signs for someone looking for something longer term than the contract I've got at the moment. The location, well it couldn't be better, not far to drive, a flexible working week and not bad dosh either. To be honest I've probably got to many irons in the fire at the minute, I'm not sure if that is a good or a bad thing.

Anyway back to the fish, once the informal chat finished, a 5 minute drive away is an area where a proper lunker of a Zander was caught. A quest concluder basically, land that fish, there would no need to get the scales out because I'd know that the dial would go beyond the 10lb and even past the 12.

Now the problem is not only the volume of water this is here but the conditions....

You see looking back at my blog when it's BBQ and beer garden weather they dust off those deck chairs of theirs and have a nap, a ridiculously long one. Bites can be hard to come by, ok, stumble upon a group of fish fair enough, but they don't appear to be moving around that much, most likely feeding in short spells when they've woken up from their slumber.

I'm sure a lure would be the better option in these conditions and to be fair I might if I struggle over the next couple of sessions I might dust of the shad gear.

So the session was short, but enough time to see if the rather big Zander was home. It's deep here, in-fact some of the deepest bit of water I fish, the float stops having to be moved up another couple of feet, maybe more. When the sun is strong like it was for the session that could well be a help because the light probably doesn't quite penetrate all the way down the bottom.

Carp are the opposite of cause, they love these conditions and can often be seen sunning themselves in these green turbid waters.

Anyway I'll cut to the chase, a section of cover fished, and two pounds....

The results, well not what I expected....

One of the smallest Zeds's I've caught in a long time....

Hmmmm, I'm not doing well of late, maybe a change of venue is the only way to beat the drudgery, I wouldn't say I'm losing the will to live, but certainly I'm losing the will to chase Zander at the minute. The distraction of carp much needed me thinks, and yeah, those I'm struggling with as well, don't rub it in.


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