Monday, 20 November 2017

Warwickshire Avon – Mavericks and Microorganisms

I had planned to fish with Sam for some Chub but he woke up Saturday morning having overnight had been properly been hit by a virus. His temperature over 40 degrees that wasn’t coming down with Calpol, heart rate racing. He was knocked for six.

The Wife had a chat with 111, next minute he is in Warwick hospital for 5 hours. Eventually they were happy with him to go home, so back late straight to bed.

So I didn’t know what to do Sunday morning with the partner in crime out of action so with some decent Perch turning up a one of my clubs waters it was lure in hand to try and find one or two.

Now the river is low, very low, clear, very clear so I didn’t expect much, a small tiny Jack was about the only action and that dropped off the hook, but you know what, sometimes it’s just nice to be out when everyone else is tucked up in bed.

Sam after 12 hours kip, was back to normal, so all well for next weekend hopefully, the search for big Chub must continue.

1 comment:

  1. The problem with all the rivers of late is that they seem to be very low and gin clear, it makes for some testing times indeed, with no end in sight, I can only hope things will improve as Sam gets his teeth into angling on a grander scale which he know doubt will under your tutelage. Rains come and go with nothing holding back, excess water is discharged at an alarming rate, the rivers are back down to bare bones in a matter of a day.....


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