Monday, 16 October 2017

Warwickshire Avon – Recrudescence and Replicant’s

Have a look behind your sofa, you see apparently half a billion old £1 coins remain in pockets, and piggy banks even though cease to be legal tender today.

Boris Becker would love them to sort out his £54,000,000 ‘overdraft’ or maybe gather them up and send them to Brussels HQ with a note saying….

“This is all you’re getting “

Nationwide will take them until December 20 where they will take them for the kids Make-A-Wish Foundation, yeap that’s a better idea me thinks.

Now talking about making a wish….

“Can I start catching some decent fish please”

You see the Avon is a little out of sorts at the minute, low, lifeless and back to clear again and I’m twiddling my thumbs wondering what to fish for.

I could bag a Barbel at dusk, fish the weirs for predators or trot some maggots for the smaller stuff but without Sam for this session I fancied seeing what was up at the deep bit.

Now a friend Dave texted me recently asking where all the Zander were, as we have had some success in the past in a few areas that seem devoid of them now. The thing is they are unlikely to be moving that much at the minute.

Why, well it’s clear, very clear so even deep swims will be like the curtains open for the Zander, the have unbelievable eyesight after all.

As soon as there is some colour in the water then that’s when thing change….

With the net curtains now up they can hunt in packs and surprise even the most wary of fish. Also apart from being clear, it’s still very mild indeed. I’ve found with canal fish, you can catch schoolie after schoolie on deadbait but as soon as the frosts come the water gets cold that’s when the bigger fish start turning up.

I’ve caught them on the lure with a little colour in the water but for this session it was Pike I was after, there are plenty here, the Zander I know where suspicious in their absence.

Dawn, overcast and after about 30 casts I’d already had a few follows from Jack Pike but as the morning went on it they were clearly not having it.

Dan was up here too fishing deads, and despite giving me one of his guaranteed Zander banking soft baits, nothing much doing.

Eventually after swapping to a shallow diver I fished some swims with some vegetation in the margins I eventually picked up a tiny Pike, probably the smallest I’d ever caught.

At least it was a pretty fish, a blank avoided….


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