Friday, 1 September 2017

Warwickshire Avon – Convenience and Chasmophily

So the early start and the short commute to work is dark, very dark indeed and with the night’s drawing in, well it’s dark at 9.00pm now after all, it’s heading towards the season I really enjoy, Autumn and Winter. By far the most productive seasons for me, but not only that, the banks are far quieter.

More my thing you see….well apart from my SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) which will no doubt start to kick in forthwith.

By the meteorological calendar, the first day of autumn is the 1 September and ends the tail end of November. The meteorological seasons consists of splitting the seasons into four periods made up of three months each. These seasons are split to coincide with our Gregorian calendar making it easier for meteorological observing and forecasting to compare seasonal and monthly statistics.

Then there is the astronomical autumn which begins the third week of September and ends on the third week in December. The astronomical calendar determines the seasons due to the 23.5 degree tilt of the Earth's rotational axis in relation to its orbit around the sun. Both equinoxes and solstices are related to the Earth's orbit around the sun.

Solstices and equinoxes are considered to be the astronomical transition points between the seasons and mark key stages in the astronomical cycle of the earth. In a year there are two equinoxes (spring and autumn) and two solstices (summer and winter). The dates of the The Equinox and Solstice aren't fixed due to the Earth's elliptical orbit of the sun. The Earth's orbit around the sun means that in early January, the sun is closest (known as perihelion) and in early July it is most distant (aphelion).

On the autumn equinox, day and night are of roughly equal length and the nights will become increasingly longer than the days until the spring equinox when the pattern is reversed.

It also marks the time of year when the northern hemisphere begins to tilt away from the sun resulting in less direct sunlight and consequently the cooling temperatures. They were certainly evident yesterday, with lovely clear skies it was 7 degrees when I headed out whilst everyone else in the household was asleep.

Got to put something worth reading in my blog haven’t I….

So with the drop in temperature and limited post tea bank time I fancied a convenient swim with sanctuary and with some form.

Nooks, crevices and crannies this swim has it all, the thing is, it’s nice and handy and idea for a quick after work session, as hardly any drudgery is required.

From front door to rod in the water in less than 15 minutes.

As it has feature in abundance, pedestrian pace and plenty of shady cover, it is home to all manner of fish and after the capture of a Barbel on a sleeper here recently when after Ruffe, it’s not just an ‘If Carling did….’ swim for those fish blessed with teeth.

Seemingly a go for all….

Double dipping is therefore the key for this swim to cover all bases, dead on one, boilie bait and pva bag of freebies on the other.

What will turn up I wonder….?

That’s the good thing about this small stretch it really is a lucky dip.

The thing is what can I expect for a two hour session, a 10lb Zander at big Barbel ? well yes that would be nice but I have to be realistic, they are not waiting to climb up my line.

Not a good start, traveling really light as I do I had to nick the ring of the lucky 8 key ring as I must have lost the clip swivel on the ledger stem on-route. Oh well seemed to work anyway.

So with rods out in to dusk the odd tap and nudge on the boilie and nothing on the deadbait, a dead in winter here usually they jump on it but this evening all very quiet.

So at last light 8.45pm I'd packed the boilie rod away when the deadbait has some interest, the bobbin rises and the rod tip is visibly nodding.

I struck in to the fish and it was clear it was a small'un, yeap a small Zander around 3lb that was quickly unhooked and sent on its way.

So with the nights drawing in and this venue strict on fishing past dusk I might have to switch to another venue not a million miles away where fishing in to dark is allowed.


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