Sunday, 1 May 2016

Closed Season Zander Quest Pt.35 - I'll be back

The big carp was back in residence, its golden flanks clearly visible tucked amongst the far bank cover. It looks a cracker, long lean and wide across the back.

Was this the one I lost last time ? maybe, who knows but with the Zander not really feeding of late it make a nice diversion from my single minded approach.

Getting bored of Zander ? far from it as again for this session I was back treading the towpath on my quest for a cut double.

You have to go early here, as soon as the first boat goes through, there tends to be a procession.

Some narrowboats slow, some pass at full speed, and cause full swim carnage. I'm sure some boaters think fisherman are in 'their' domain.

Luckily most pleasant enough....

It was another cold start and another tough session.

I quickly nabbed a schoolie in the first swim but then I had to try 5 or 6 different swims to get interest from another.

5 or 6 followed, the biggest a nudge under 3lb, dark in colour and looked a little battle hardened.

Short and sweet this one, I've Sunday dinner to get started and the wines open.


  1. I'm really enjoying this series of blog posts Mick so don't worry if you feel you might be boring us all..not in the slightest

    Looking forward to your next trip already


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