Monday, 8 April 2013

Shanghai AC match - Tunnel Barn Farm - 06.04.13

Cold, cold, fff'ing cold was the order of the day, 12 of us from the Shanghai AC fished Tunnel Barn Farm as at the end of the month is a return match against the grunts of MG Cars. As I've said before I'm not a match fisherman, but with the river close season in full swings it's a good way of staying in contact with fellow automotive contractors. We were on house pool today which apparently contains 140,000 fish including f1 carp, mirror carp, roach, bream, tench, chub, perch and golden orffe.

I drew peg 25 which was away from the main group of anglers, I had a float rod and a quiver rod with a small bomb to fish tight against the island. To cut a long story short nothing I did could muster up a bite, for the first 3 hours the tip remained motionless and the float stationary. The most activity was from a friendly Robin that liked my maggots.

The last time I fished Tunnel Barn Farm I had 40lb of fish, today I ended up last with 2lb 4oz's, that was a small F1 and a small carp. A tough day with the winner Steve Breeze managing 22lb, with half the anglers not even reaching double figures. Lets hope the return match against MG the water would have warmed up and the carp are moving.


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