Monday, 6 January 2025

Warwickshire Avon - Snow and Snobocracy

Where to go what to do ?

What is likely to bite ?

Pike ? yeah, let's have a go for them. 

We had an inch of snow in my village however closer to the venue only 10 minutes away it had changed to a dusting. 

The snow had already started to melt onroute to the area to fish fish is usually a predator hotspot. The river was a nice colour however it was on the rise by the looks of it, however there is a reason why it's known as the 'dead arm' because when the river is high, there is some much slacker water here.

So two pike rods both where I'll alternate between smelt or roach under the float. Anyway a good 45 minutes in two usually productive spots nothing whatsoever, so I decided to start leapfrogging some new swims. 

Excuses at the ready the water temperature had taken a bit of a hit so bites would be at a premium I'd imagine but I'm sure in this 4 hours session I'd have at least get a run or two. I fished three areas in the dead arm without even a bobble of the floats so for the last hour I decided to move up above the weir when the river is much wider and had more cover.

It's a lovely bit of river this and in the matches they often catch decent weights of silverfish. Where there are silverfish there are predators, and I've caught perch, pike and zander up here.

It looked nice and moody as well but another hour fishing a couple of areas those pikes float didn't move sadly. There were very few fishing topping either, oh well it was nice to be out despite it being rather damp and cold.

As I type this the local rivers are going to be in flood again because with all that snow melt and also a load of heavy rain they are going up on the gauge vertically. I tried and failed to get in to the office today, cars stuck in a flooded village and the main road in to Coventry shut because of flooding, all a bit of a nightmare !!. 


  1. Support your local pub Mick .. in a time of extreme weather 😬Baz

    1. Well I would do Baz if I wasn’t partaking in dry Jan again 🙈 I see it as a yearly reset and too stubborn to not do it 😀


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