Saturday, 27 July 2024

Warwickshire Avon - Maggots and Macrophobia

I don't seem to get a look-in at the moment with Sam keen to go fishing where he commandeers the rod most of the time, but for this short session we also had his whip and a few maggots.

The Avon is gin clear at the moment which can make the fishing tough but at least fishing maggots will get that float going under. We both love fishing for chub off the top though in these conditions because you can often see the fish take the bait, so we'd take it in turns to do that.

Plenty of maggot munchers fancied the grubs bit nothing big really milling around just plenty of minnows, small perch and lots of bleak. After we exhausted the first swim it was on to fishing the bread off the top to try and get a proper bend in the rod.

So many escape routes though that's half of the problem because we lost two fish within the first two swims despite being on to the fish as soon as the bread disappeared from view. Both looked decent fish as well so gutted really, but these are jungle swims, the odds are against you.

So we stuck with the more open swims in the end with Sam catching the first fish that nailed the bread after it was being mullered by the bleak as it was drifting downstream. 

I managed one but this time with a piece of slow sinking bread that was nailed as it fell through the water column to a deeper area that I could just about make out the bottom under my polarised sunglasses. 

After a twenty minute chat with Buffalo Si who was enjoying the sun and filling me in on his most recent captures (new upload soon apparently featuring a lovely river carp 👌), we kept on fishing but these were the only fish were managed to catch before calling it a day. 

To be fair Sam lost another fish when the hook pulled when he was giving the fish some stick to try and stop it getting in to the reeds, but they were certainly cagey today, as I could see fish initially but they spooked off when we got near the swim. On to the next one !!!


  1. We are in the summer doldrums Mick. Roll on the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness .. inspirational colours and hungry fish ... Bax 🌞🍁🍂🍄

    1. Always tough this time of year isn't it Baz, but yes looking forward to some better conditions I must admit !!


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