Thursday, 4 May 2023

Warwickshire Trout - River Alne Pt.8

The weather has been decent of late but those diary makers have had a heavy influence thus far and I was struggling to get out fishing. I was chomping at the bit as well because the like-minded were catching some great fish like there was like no tomorrow.

Now looking at my blog you will see that I managed 23 sessions in April which ok, seems like a lot but those are between 2-5 hours in total. The majority are locally to which this one was, so back to the Alne it was then to chase a 3lb trout.

I just love it here I really do, 5 mins to get there, the river to myself and some nice fish to be caught in these small waters. Considering I've fished this quite a few times recently it's only trout I've been catching which considering it's the coarse closed season that's not a bad thing now is it.

When it's low and clear(ish) like it was for this 2 hour after work session the coarse fish tend to disappear elsewhere. When it's well up and with the other local rivers in flood they tend to migrate here to seek some sanctuary. That's when the chub and the lovely plump dace can be caught, it's a river with two faces.

For this session I negotiated the bridge of death and made my way to the lower half of the river where within two casts, in the first swim a trout came out of nowhere literally by my feet and launched itself clear out of the river.

It took me by surprise so it was a proper heart in mouth moment. You can see the lure in any of these elevated swims and it's quite exciting fishing targeting these kamikaze brownies. I didn't think I'd get another chance in the same swim but within another ten or so casts it did the same again and nailed the trout pattern crankbait. 

Quite a nice fish this one and gave a pretty good fight on the lure lure gear. I initially thought it was much bigger as it was hugging the bottom but was around the size of the bigger ones I've caught here.

There are fish here twice this big though I just haven't managed to land any, just hooked and lost two of them. After that fish I went on the rove where the weir produced 3 more fish, all characterful small fish though but almost a fish a chuck. 

The other areas upstream in the first field seemed devoid of fish and after a good hour in 5 or so swims curfew was upon me and it was time for the off.

Another bank holiday weekend upon us, so hopefully some fishing time. Where next then ? I'll decide that closer to the time. To be honest most of my sessions are ad-hoc these days anyway. 


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