Sunday, 1 May 2022

Transient Towpath Trudging - Pt.21

The intended early canal chub / carp session didn't happen because after a rather late movie night with the Wife there was no way I'd have made it bankside for the crack of dawn.

So a simple roving session at a stretch of canal that is generally clearer than most of the local waters I fish where there is not only a chance of a decent Zander but Pike too. 

So snack sized whole roach as bait and two deadbait rods to try and find some fish. There is not only cover but also some oxygenated swims where over the years I've caught some of the best looking canal Zander you are ever likely to come across. 

Because the water clarity is much better than where I usually target them they have much darker colouration and some of them almost black in colour. 

There is one issue though and that is bites can be very hard to come by. Boat traffic can improve bites because often the Zander are laid up waiting for that time to pounce but fishing the various locks can often bring a quick bite from fish holding up in the containment.

An hour in though things were not looking good despite fishing some tasty looking cover and also one of the locks that often offers a bite when others swims don't.

It was one of those mornings where I knew what the outcome would be quite soon in to the session. But I stuck with it and fished swim after swim until I got bored. 

So a blank and one of those sessions where I almost knew I should have stayed in bed instead. Still 10k steps covered and for someone sat in front of the CAD screen 24/7, some much needed escape from the diary makers. 


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