Thursday, 27 January 2022

Warwickshire Avon - Gorefests and Gnotobiology

Back in 2005 the comedy horror movie Feast directed by John Gulager had it all for the gore fest fans. Trapped in a remote tavern, a group of strangers had to band together for survival. 

You see outside the bar, a horde of ravenous, flesh-eating monsters were trying to break in and dine on the frightened humans inside. It had it all, gratuitous violence and blood shed, all manner of splattering and squirting of unfathomable bodily fluids and slime. 

One of those movies where you could just sit down with a beer and a slice of pizza and be transported to another world within 5 minutes of it starting.
This film does a brilliant job of making you assume people are going to live and then WHAM! it kills someone unexpectedly, it gives a real edge to the film where you begin to think that anyone really can die. 

The story is simple and the attacks by the monsters are very well done indeed without CGI and happening at various times throughout. The introductions to the characters featuring a bit of information about each is a really good and easy way to introduce the cast.

The gore, the beautiful, plentiful gore! This film is packed with gore I mean jam packed, there’s green monster goo being spat at people, maggots coming out of a face wound as someone's skin slowly melts, have I sold it to you yet ?

Anyway a cult favourite amongst horror movie fans, where its 3 odd million budget recovered something like a 5th of that at the box office. It was a movie genre that was falling out of favour for the more serious and grown up horrors which most in my opinion fail miserably, even today.  But much like this angling pursuit of ours, conformity can be how you perceive it. I for one prefer something different, something that suits my needs and interests not to get the tick in the box from others. 

So a flop at the theatres, but who cares its still a movie talked about today by many of the likeminded, and I'm sure some of the DVD sales made up for the lack of pennies in the what was once a rather empty looking bank account. 

Now they did produce a couple of sequels if I recall but, don't bother with those, they were unforgettable from the original, which like many movies with follow-ons tend to be the best.  Anyway talking of follow-ons...

...I've been catching some nice chub of late albeit some of the larger ones that reside here have eluded me so far, so I was back, back this time in to dusk to see if under the cover of darkness (its all relative) I would fare any better.

As I was in to rush to get there I'd fish a ledgered cheesepaste bait with some freebies just under a raft just before dusk and be on my way shortly afterwards. Usually the fish show themselves here quite soon after sundown so sessions like this suit ones busy working and family life. 

A quick smash and grab, like many of my short but frequent sessions !!!!

And smash and grab it was because an hour'ish fished, two fish, the biggest going 5lb 4 ounces which put up one hell of a battle was caught literally within minutes of the bait settling on the shallow river bed.

I maybe made the mistake of returning the smaller chub to the river because there was no bites after that. I fully expected a few more fish, or at least a few plunks and pulls, but no they never materialised. Still when fish fight as well as this one did, I went home a happy man. 


  1. Replies
    1. I'm going back later, hopefully a bigger one will turn up !!!

  2. Quick smash ‘n’ grab missions make my season, nothing worse when you had a couple of free hours and didn’t go - I always wonder what I’ve missed! Lovely chub!!

    1. To be honest a whole days fishing would put the fear in me :), but fish at the right time certainly works doesn't it, certainly increases the probability.


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