Friday, 4 June 2021

The Close Season Zander Quest Pt.214 - Neologisms and Naderites

Neologisms ? well yes, you see it has been stated that each language acquire 3000 new words, annually, but in fact, neologisms can not be accurately quantified, since so many hover between acceptance and oblivion and many are short-lived, individual creations. In other words, Neologisms are new words, word-combinations or fixed phrases that appear in the language due to the development of social life, culture, science and engineering. 

New meanings of existing words are also accepted as neologisms. A problem of translation of new words ranks high on the list of challenges facing translators for example because such words are not readily found in ordinary dictionaries and even in the newest specialised dictionaries. 

I dread to think how many new words have been created or accepted in the English language since the start of the pandemic, I bet it will be a record year, watch this space. 


There is luckily for me is an answer....

Angling as we know can offer escapism if that's what you are after especially when there is so much of this pursuit that can be tailored to your own requirements. I lead a very busy life like many do and the solitude I need to seek to keep me on the straight and narrow is offered in spades when fishing, especially when fishing rivers where I am unlikely to see another angler, well one in maggot catapulting distance anyway.

Whenever my pastime has been curtailed though such as poor weather or the family life takes over there are other ways I can zone out and one of those is Videos such as this below. Cracking food and solitude what's not to like. 

Some of the food 'Kent Survival' knocks up is quite incredible really from huge tomahawk steaks, lamb tagines, curries, stews and to eating exotic meats such as zebra, camel and llama. 

Vegans or Vegetarians, this channel ain't for you....

If I ever got in to carp fishing where I'd spend a lot of time bankside waiting for that one toner I'd have to follow his lead I reckon, I enjoy cooking, always have done and would rather spend the time knocking up decent grub than slum it in ones bivi with a Bombay Bad Boy for company.  

My friend Davey G with a life far busier than mine and sadly without the time I get to spend in my own company used to watch similar videos. From bushcraft videos where the creator finished off his or her busy day shelter making with a Whiskey ,solo camping videos in the Scottish Highlands where there wasn't another human for miles and watching the trials and tribulations of off grid living . His idea of heaven despite not being able to manage it himself, YouTube was the next best thing.

If you've read this blog of mine for a while you will also know binge listening of electronic music via Mixcloud and being cocooned in ones haptic bass inducing Skull Candy Crushers also features in my zoning out time, and its another pursuit where the diary makers have no influence whatsoever. 

Anyway better get to the fishing Sam and I had a plan for this 2 hour session, the first hour with his float rod with maggots and groundbait in the ruffe swim and then the last hour we'd visit Steve's bush to try and winkle out a Zander. Not ideal conditions to be honest really hot and humid and the canal was an odd sort of browny green colour, almost lifeless if it wasn't for the insects milling around. The bites were not forthcoming and Sam get bored if there is a motionless float.

He stuck it out for the hour though bless him and I do enjoy our random chats. After half an hour in Steve's bush biteless fishing tight to cover luckily after the first boat went through we had the first bite. I thought the fish was properly hooked when I gave the rod to Sam but oddly it had dropped off.

Sometime the sign of a schoolie though as I use big baits here, so I reduced the bait size and again after another boat went through we had another bite as it dragged the float of out sight from left to right. Sam did the honours this time though and after reeling in to make the circle hook do its work another fish was on. 

Again another schoolie but Sam did a cracking job as usual of playing the fish and it was soon in the net. The sun had come out properly now and the sun was beating down so after another 20 minutes and yet another boat going by without a bite it was time for the off.


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