Friday, 19 February 2021

Warwickshire Avon - Ghawazi and Gerascophobia

Yes yes, ok, you don't have to warm me but the fact is when working from home, which I don't particularly like by the way, Mixcloud offers me some sanctuary from the locked-up noisy household. 

Now Steve Lawler a DJ I'd grown up with uploaded some mixes he'd compiled over the years with one mass upload. 

Some crackers too, proper club music with beats you'd only appreciate their effect if you'd been a clubber yourself. It took me right to better times, without repetitive beats I think I'd struggle with the daily monotony, lockdown for me with my restless legs is tough going, still I'm healthy and in work, suck it up Mick. 

When I got to the river I really didn't realise just how coloured it had become, it was certainly more turbid than 24 hours earlier and seemingly on the rise.

There are fishable swims here though and a swim made available not far away from a chance conversation with the landowner when Sam was with me meant I'd be able to fish where there is always a decent head of chub. I could see the bread a good 6 inches down so chub would feed providing you could drop a bait in front of their eyes.

It's a swim where in the summer they take bread off the top but are very hard to catch, they are some clonkers as well but I've not managed to better 5lb 4oz if I recall.

I had some lobworms as well but a huge visible bait like bread is hard to beat when there are greedy fish to be caught.

I did alternate to be fair because there are barbel here too my biggest 11lb and 11ounces from a swim upstream. Despite the Southern bloggers catching barbel on bread I've fished bread for years and not caught a barbel on it. 

A few swims down biteless which to be honest wasn't unexpected but I was only here for just over 2 hours so one fish would have been nice.

The last swim I did have a few tentative pulls but I expect there were small roach with eyes bigger than their bellies. 

The weather is becoming much milder next week and we should have more settled condition so I'm hoping for a couple of Barbel sessions, I've not caught one for a while and fancy a proper bend in the rod.

I don't think the water will clear anytime soon so they could well be on the agenda as well as trying for a river Zander which I've not done for a while. 


  1. Bread has become my go-to winter bait for barbel, I don’t tend to bother with meat past September - as you said it’s really easy for them spot in the dirty water. But northern barbel might have different tastes...

    1. Quite possibly :) my biggest perch came to sweetcorn, I wonder if my biggest barbel might come on bread !!

    2. I thought northern lads love gravy..


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