Friday, 31 July 2020

Warwickshire Avon - Cold-Cooks and Comb-overs

Another super short session this hence the matching post, but then that's the norm for me these days. I spotted some nice Barbel here last time under ones polarised sunglasses when I was lure fishing for Chub.

So a double dipping session this, the first hour I'd try and winkle out a Chub and whilst I was chucking the lure around I'd bait a couple of marginal spots with scalded pellet and then fish the last hour in to dusk to try and trap a Barbus. 

Despite the Avon being ridiculous low and rather lifeless there are still some oxygenated swims over gravel I fish that do still hold some nice fish. 

The chub cannot get enough of this tiny crankbait often taking it as soon as it hits the surface. In-fact most of the bites have come when the lure is on the surface not when it dives.  

I picked up four or five within the first half an hour, they were mad for it. One with a nasty wound on the top of his noggin but seemed to be happy enough with his affliction properly nailing the lure within a split second of it hitting the water. 

No Barbel were spotted this time though but still they tend to start to move heading towards dusk when they try and search out food. 

The two spots I baited were a nice depth and the scalded pellets with a mixtures of sizes with some added hemp I was hoping that they would start grubbing around when I wanted them too.

The problem with here you have to be off half an hour after official dusk without fail.  One member you see despite the warnings was caught taking the pee and was actually night fishing it to try and catch a particular barbel. 

A resulting letter from the club a blanket ban for ALL, head torches outlawed, the nocturnal Barbus breathed a rather large sigh of relief.

Now 9 times out of 10 when the light starts to go the chub pulls and bumps start but for some reason that never materialised.

There were fish in the swim though because there was movement on the tip from time to time but all very suspiciously quiet not even a proper chub pull or anything.  

Still not all lost at least I know that there are Barbel here after all, they have been rather absent of late. 


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