Saturday, 15 February 2020

Warwickshire Avon - Bibliophagists and Bumposophers

With storm Dennis on the way and with mild temperatures I needed to get out to at least try and catch a fish. The rivers were up too and motoring through so there was only really one fish on my mind and that was the Barbel.

Now Boris is about the only fish that likes to feed in these conditions, they just seem to get their heads down and on with their business. If the weather reports are anything to go by we could well be on for another bumpy ride and hatches might well have to be battened down.

I'd some maggots and lobworms for this session and that combined with a cage feeder full of fishy groundbait this combination would surely get them grubbing around. The chosen area is always good for a bite because out of all the sections of the Warwickshire Avon I fish, you are more likely to catch one here than any of the other areas.

When I got to the river I couldn't believe just how high it was, in-fact it was on the rise when I was there, but it meant the area I wanted to fish wasn't available to me, so I went upstream to about the only place that looked fishable.

I had a predator sleeper rod just out in the margins where I'd fish a smelt because there are zander and pike here as well, although the zander seem a little elusive of late, but you never know. As per the norm I had the banks to myself, so I got set-up, and was looking forward to chilling out as I'd finished what was quite a busy week.

An interesting one mind you, as it involved a 1000hp Hypercar amongst some other interesting cars.

So anyway back to the session, and what a session it was. Within an hour or so I had the first bite and a barbel was hooked. The quiver tip moving violently as the fish bolted off downstream. A pretty good fight in the flow but the first fish was probably not even 4lb. As soon as the feeder was cast out again, BANG, another bite !!!!

This one bigger but still probably not even 5lb but still it was taking line off the clutch and was giving a cracking account for itself. One lost fish to a hook pull that looked about 7lb or so and then another fish of similar statue to the first fish, a shoal must of moved in.

Then as quickly as they turned up, they disappeared. This coincided with a friend Dave turning up who fished the swim just up from me and was blanking when I left. Then weirdly despite fishing the same area in the swim I got snagged up three times and lost gear, the third time was too much, time to go home.

An enjoyable session though, it really was, I can count on one hand the sessions I've had where I've banked 3 barbel in less than an hour. For their size, they really do put on a good show. I'm watching the weather like a hawk, because I might try and squeeze in a session in the morning. As much I like reading a good fishing book, there is nothing like feeling the power of the barbel through the carbon, what a species.

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