Monday, 8 April 2019

The Close Season Zander Quest Pt.116 – Hoydons and Hodmandods

This area had been on the radar for a while, a place where potentially a big Zander could stretch their fins due to the locale. Now usually in my experience the bigger Zander tend to like the quieter areas where footfall is less the cover in abundance.

However the theory was that occasionally the older wiser fish like to let their morals down from time to time and are happy to join the kids on their weekend rave.

The big females around this time should in theory be tucked up in bed, with their bulging awaiting the onslaught of a seedy Japanese pastime, but the water temperature may delay that for a while, well maybe for a couple of weeks anyway.
The weather despite mild during the day for the past couple of weeks has been very cold indeed.

The fish basically don’t know what the heck is going on, so fishing can be tough in these conditions. They can be preoccupied, prepubescent or a pain in the backside.

The last session was a little like that, countless swims fished and it was on the last half an hour where I managed where I managed to drop the bait on a fish. I didn’t mention it in my last post but I did to fellow Zed Head Dan who was with me for this session. I was fishing two baits close together and out of the blue both floats more or less started to move at the same time. 

I initially thought that I’d jumped on a group of fish but after leaning in to the fish on the left hand rod as I started reeling in the right hand float comes with it.

Yeap this fish had managed to hoover up BOTH baits, now considering I fish two deads for most of my sessions, that had never happened before, Dan had not heard of it either. So they are hungry then that’s for sure. The problem is with the fish not knowing which way to turn it’s difficult to predict where they will be and what they will be doing.

So anyway back to the session, we started at an area where in theory offered a little bit of sanctuary away from the warehouse floor and the subwoofers a stone’s throw away. After leapfrogging some likely looking swims, me with two rods with smelt, Dan with one dead roach rod and a lure rod after a while eventually Dan managed a 42cm fish fishing tight to a tangled mess of roots.

Encouraging signs for sure, but nothing like the size we were after. So we up sticks and got on the rove to try other areas before maybe returning here for the last hour.

Now as Dan competes in many a lure competition and the way of the lure is the main stay of his fishing sessions one area that had highlighted in being worthy of a go, is around reeds. A fish holder if there ever was one and it’s often these areas that can offer a one up over other competitors. As we meandered up the swims were getting more characterful which for me is one my sort of area to target Zander. 

As Dan fished the inside line with a dead tight to some reeds and was putting the lure around the swim I managed to drop one of my baits right between a dark deeper swim situated smack bang in the middle of some thick cover. My suspicions were right within a couple of minutes the float started to bob and was being pulled under the overhanging bush. It was only a small fish but just goes to show how tightly tucked up there in these testing conditions.

By this time the early risers were becoming more prevalent as were the boats. The water going from still to flowing as soon as the locks were being operated. It’s always a pain in the backside when it’s like this hence why many of the areas I fish boats are less frequent the distance between locks far. So after enjoying a hot breakfast snackette and take stock, we decided to go back to where we started for one last go. 

Dan lost a small fish on the lure whilst holding it away from a moving boat and then once things died down I managed a small fish on smelt fishing the far bank on a swim that just looked good for a bite. By this time the boat traffic has increased even more and when one inexperienced boat operator was attempting a tricky manoeuvre by the use of full throttle, churned everything up to such an extent we both agreed it was time to end the session.

Will we return? Well there was nothing to show during the morning that pointed to that, it was ticked off the list though and another venue that would probably be confined to the been there done that list.


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