Friday, 21 February 2025

Warwickshire Avon - Misanthropy and Microseismographs

Blog Post 1750 👀😂

So I might as well go fishing to one of my favorite areas of the Warwickshire Avon and try and catch a decent Chub. I've not caught a 5lber in a good while, and here some reside. Well they have over the years anyway. !! So simple tactics, some liquidised bread and bread on the hook. 

Now no matter how far away from human habitation the often misanthrope angler sits, that dreaded fear kicks in when that speck on the horizon gets bigger and bigger. 

The sinister old boy with the long raincoat, silk scarf and shuffling walk, must be dealt with immediately and firmly. Poor old lad, his basic problem is loneliness and lack of love. But you are there to fish, not to play psychiatrist to every old kink who comes your way.

The danger with this old lad is that once he starts talking he is almost impossible to shut up. In the absence of any courting couples, he will stand behind you for a time, coughing politely to attract your attention.

After ten minutes or so of unheeded coughs, sniffs and shuffles, he will sigh and say, 'Ah, patience is a wonderful thing.' Answered or not, he will continue: 'I've always fancied fishing myself, very relaxing, I believe. And my doctor is always telling me to take it up. But I don't have the patience, not really. I was telling my doctor only the other day.

Unchecked, he will wander through a detailed list of his symptoms and arrive, through some curious process of DOM logic, at the Problems of Young People Today. 

He will be seriously concerned about teenage sex, horrified at the spread of VD, aghast at see-through blouses and mini-skirts, appalled at the permissiveness in the cinema, on the stage and in the bookshops. Oh, horror. Oh, woe. And he'll enjoy every minute of it.

The only thing to do is to stop him before he gets into his stride. Ignoring him is useless. So is arguing, or pleading to be left in peace and quiet. So you say, with an occasional sniff and twitch:

'Yer, patience. That's wot the headshrinker said I needed. Fer me nerves, like. When I came out after me last stretch fer GBH, he told me ter take up fishin'. Stop me smashin' geezers up fer nuffin', like. I wouldn't care, but the last bloke I duffed over only needed 27 stitches. Nah, the bloke before that-he really was in a mess, I've got to admit it....'

By this time you should be talking to yourself, with the long raincoat doing a quick shuffle into the middle distance. 

Anyway to the fishing, as per the norm I didn't really have much time to winkle out a chub or two because after finishing work I also had a curfew to get back. Dusk is the best time really to catch a chub in these conditions so I was surprised when a bite came pretty quick in the second swim where the bread must have got the attraction of a greedy Chevin.

It went round the swim like a heat seeking missile but it was soon in the net as it wasn't that big. Still a fish is fish and I didn't think I'd catch one so quickly. 

Only a small one for this stretch, still I wasn't complaining. I wasn't complaining about the weather either it was nice and mild, so the winter clobber wasn't needed. Anyway with that fish released I went on the rove to try and catch another one. As I was moving from swim to swim, a video call from Nic from Avon Angling came out of the blue, and he after trotting maggots on the Avon for some nice chub, he'd hooked what seemed like the bottom then it started moving !!! 😆

He'd managed to hook and land a lovely Warwickshire Avon barbel which he showed me, and was around 6 or 7 lb or so, the milder weather definitely helping I'd imagine. Now I've not had a Warwickshire Avon barbel for ages, but Barbara the Barbel surely needs another go before the season end, so fingers crossed the stars align, because my fishing results of late, have been rather mediocre I must admit. 

When the light started to go I caught another chub of similar size to the first one, then another literally at curfew time which was probably the smallest of the lot. Nothing big showed for me during this session however at least I managed to get a few bites.

The water temperature is going to rise that's for sure, so hopefully I'll manage a few sessions when a barbel is more likely to turn up !! we will see, it would be nice to end the season on a high wouldn't it. The conditions haven't exactly been favourable over the last numbers of weeks so fingers crossed the higher water temperatures will bring some more bites. 


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